I have been asking all of you African fashionistas out there what African fashion means to you.

From the comfortably styled divas I met while grocery shopping, to the classmate, who sat next to me in English 311 this semester, to my always fashionably dressed sistas at African Diaspora Club, you have all given me priceless quotes and shared your meaningful thoughts with me about what African fashion means to you, and now, I will share some of your thoughts with the world. Thanks.


When you hear the words African fashion, what comes to your mind? What does African fashion mean to you?


“Uninhibited and unashamed beauty” — Ifeoma Ataula

“Fresh, taking over the industry” —Abiola Ogune

“Captivating, thrilling and exciting” — Adanna Chukwudi

“Something unique, something that stands out” — Yetunde Bobo

“A new face to African culture and history” —Michelle Jenkins

“Something I can be very proud of. Something I can rock, with my head held high” —- Brittany Washington

“One word: innovative” — Morayo Ikele

“Something we have never seen before, but we’ll remember forever” — Tamara Anyala

“Powerful and inspirational” — Amber Olowu

“Something that makes people smile. It’s pleasant.” —- Nkechi Kofi

“Pleasantly sophisticated” — Arianna Nsuka 

I couldn’t agree more with all of you.

Photo by Style Hive